Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Time Change and Christmas Trees

One may ask what these two things have in common, time change and Christmas trees, well they have a lot in common if you have a two year old who wasn't made aware of said time change and still got up at what would be a reasonable time if it was before we fell back an hour!  With all that said, Sunday and Monday Sophie woke up early, for her, so we had a lot more time in the morning than usual to do things.  We filled our morning with reading, playing, snacks and a little TV and by that time, it was only around 10.  So I might be crazy, but I decided to let Sophie put up her Christmas tree to have something fun to do.  She has been talking about it since right after Halloween, so I put on some Christmas music and we had the best time decorating.  Now I cannot wait to do the rest of the house.  She loves her tree and had such a great time decorating it.  On a side note, I let Sophie stay up later last night and I am happy to report, she got up at a more normal time for her this morning!

That's a 4 foot tree people, notice how tall our child is!!! 

The finished product, Sophie loves to see it all lit up.

1 comment:

The Runner Family said...

I know right? My kids have been doing the same thing! I don't ever remember the hour change affecting them this much. Hope it gets better soon!