Saturday, September 19, 2009

Shots, Cereal and Teeth....Sophie at 4 months

On Thursday after Sophie and I picked Travis up at the airport we had to take her to the doctor for her 4 month check up, whoa! She is now 13lbs, 5oz and 25 inches long. She is still low in weight for her age, but they attribute that to her being so tall. She had to get 2 shots which isn't very fun, but she handles them pretty well, although the second seemed to make her very mad. They tell us to watch her as if she were a six month old because she moves so much. The doctor also said that she can already tell that Sophie is very independent. I knew that by how she moves and when I hold her, she already will try to get down. I always ask her where she thinks she is going, I mean she can't even crawl yet! The doctor said that we can start introducing solids to Sophie. So we started that on Saturday. She didn't really respond one way or another, but did have a hard time keeping things in her mouth. We will try again in a week. She did look like such a big girl sitting in her high chair though.

On Wednesday, I discovered that Sophie has had a tooth break through! She really hasn't had any symptoms of teeth coming in and has taken it very well. Our little girl is growing up so fast!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

little things in life...

Babies change so fast and it is amazing how quickly they learn and discover things. Sophie truly amazes me and she just brings so much joy to our lives. One of my new favorite things is going into her room in the morning and getting her out of her crib. When she sees me her whole face lights up and she smiles so big and gets so excited she can hardly stand it. She has her arms and legs just a going until I pick her up. It's so great to see someone get so excited about the little things in life.

Speaking of getting excited about little things, she has discovered her feet and now try's to get them a lot. It's so cute. This in turn leads to her grabbing her feet and rolling over to one side. She is so funny. She also rolled over from her back to her stomach for the first time on her own yesterday at her daddy's office. She has rolled over before, but they have always just been flukes, but yesterday was for real and it was so exciting, to me anyways. So our baby girl is growing up so fast and she is so much fun!