Monday, November 16, 2009

half a year

I cannot believe that our little Sophie is 6 months old. She turned 6 months last Thursday, but had her check up today. She is now 17lbs, 11oz and 27.25 inches long, whoa! A lady in the waiting room had a 12 month old and Sophie was as tall as her, she is going to be so tall! She isn't crawling yet, but she tries very hard to do so. She does roll around a lot though, we have to keep a close eye on her, it's going to be crazy when she does start to crawl. The doctor said that it seems like Sophie will be learning to crawl and walk on the same day! I don't know about that, but when I try to put her on all fours, she just stands up. She's so funny!

Sophie has developed quite the squeal, usually it is just because she is happy or excited, but sometimes it's in anger, which I don't like. She is starting to recognize people and reaches out to grab your face and give you a "kiss" now. She has the biggest smile and is so happy, I love that!

Sophie has tried lots of new foods and has only really liked her oatmeal, green beans and peaches. We'll keep trying things until she does like them though! :)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Baby It's Cold Outside...

We've seemed to go from Summer to about 2 weeks of Fall straight into Winter. We saw our first snow on October 1st. It wasn't much to talk about, but it was snow! I'm not sure I'm ready for snow yet. Luckily Sophie is prepared and looking pretty darn cute, if I do say so myself!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Shots, Cereal and Teeth....Sophie at 4 months

On Thursday after Sophie and I picked Travis up at the airport we had to take her to the doctor for her 4 month check up, whoa! She is now 13lbs, 5oz and 25 inches long. She is still low in weight for her age, but they attribute that to her being so tall. She had to get 2 shots which isn't very fun, but she handles them pretty well, although the second seemed to make her very mad. They tell us to watch her as if she were a six month old because she moves so much. The doctor also said that she can already tell that Sophie is very independent. I knew that by how she moves and when I hold her, she already will try to get down. I always ask her where she thinks she is going, I mean she can't even crawl yet! The doctor said that we can start introducing solids to Sophie. So we started that on Saturday. She didn't really respond one way or another, but did have a hard time keeping things in her mouth. We will try again in a week. She did look like such a big girl sitting in her high chair though.

On Wednesday, I discovered that Sophie has had a tooth break through! She really hasn't had any symptoms of teeth coming in and has taken it very well. Our little girl is growing up so fast!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

little things in life...

Babies change so fast and it is amazing how quickly they learn and discover things. Sophie truly amazes me and she just brings so much joy to our lives. One of my new favorite things is going into her room in the morning and getting her out of her crib. When she sees me her whole face lights up and she smiles so big and gets so excited she can hardly stand it. She has her arms and legs just a going until I pick her up. It's so great to see someone get so excited about the little things in life.

Speaking of getting excited about little things, she has discovered her feet and now try's to get them a lot. It's so cute. This in turn leads to her grabbing her feet and rolling over to one side. She is so funny. She also rolled over from her back to her stomach for the first time on her own yesterday at her daddy's office. She has rolled over before, but they have always just been flukes, but yesterday was for real and it was so exciting, to me anyways. So our baby girl is growing up so fast and she is so much fun!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

3 months

One day after we got back from North Carolina, Sophie turned 3 months old.  She has changed so much and is growing like a weed!  She is up to 9lbs, 9oz and is so long she needs to be in 3-6 month outfits.  She is now sleeping in her crib like a big girl and has started eating formula because she is just growing so fast!  Yesterday she had to have 6oz, wow!  She might catch up with her cousin Duke soon.  

She was amazing flying, it didn't even phase her, she just slept basically the whole time.  We had a great time in North Carolina seeing all of our family and Sophie was great.   She talks so much and smiles at everyone.  The doctor is really pleased with how she is doing.

Monday, July 20, 2009

2 months old

Sophie is now 2 months old, we were at camp when she turned 2 months old, so that's why this is a little late.  She had her 2 month appointment today though and she is now 8lbs, 3oz and 23.75 inches long.  She has mainly only grown in length and we have to work on getting some weight on her.  Fortunately, I don't have to supplement her with formula, which I am very thankful for.  She got four vaccinations today, 3 shots and one oral.  It was so hard to watch her get shots, but she was great.  The doctor said that we have to watch Sophie as if she were a six month old because of how she moves around so much.  She is very strong.  She was great with the doctor and cooed and just looked at her while she was checking her out.  The whole ordeal wore her out though and she has been resting a lot today.

She was amazing at camp and I hope she does well next week when we travel home to NC.  Travis took her swimming and she even went under!!!!  She seemed to like it, which is good.  Sophie is so happy when she wakes up in the mornings, very smiley.  She also likes it when I say things about her daddy, I think she must like the way the word daddy sounds.  She is amazing and I love her so much.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I've been helping out at my old job lately because  of people being gone for vacation and other things.  Sophie is so great and and just sleeps most of the time.  It's nice to get out of the house every once in a while, but I definitely don't want my old job back!

Monday, June 15, 2009

cat anyone?

Okay, so here's the deal.  I  love George (our cat), but my love for him has changed since we had Sophie.  He has become a nuisance to me ever since we came home from the hospital and yesterday was the last straw.  I was about to put Sophie in her bassinet when I looked down and saw his stinking hair all in it.  Yuck!  I don't want his nasty hair all over the bed where my baby sleeps, that's just gross to me and I'm through with him.  Travis doesn't believe that I have the heart to get rid of him, but I love my baby more than that cat and I know it may seem a bit anal to be so particular about his hair and stuff, but let's be serious, it disgusting!  It bothered me before she as born, but now that she is here it is worse.  I can't help but to think ahead to when she starts to crawl and roll around too.  His nasty litter box and food are where she can get to it and I don't want to walk into the kitchen one day and find her in his food bowl.  Believe me, I know some of you may think that I am heartless, but when you have a child you can maybe understand and little better.  I'm afraid to leave her alone for even a second to run downstairs to change out the laundry because he might get in her face, even more so now since I know he can get up in her bassinet.  

So anyways, if anyone wants a neutered ,completely declawed house cat, let me know.  He really is a good cat, but I just don't want him around my baby.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

One Month Old

I can't believe it, but Friday our little Sophie turned 1 month old.  My how time fly's!  Speaking of time, we have been super busy and that is why I couldn't write this until today.  Life has certainly changed and I can't imagine it without her now.  She is such a blessing and I am so thankful that God gave us Sophie.  I tell everyone who ask if she is a good baby that she is wonderful and that I prayed hard for a good baby.  God is good!

She has already amazed us with how fast she is developing and growing.  She is such a sweetie, even when she keeps us up every once in a while because she just wants to be held.  I don't mind doing it though because before we know it she'll be too old to want to be held.  On Friday night she was up until 2am or so and as I was holding her I was so very tired and I was getting aggravated, and I looked down at her and she was looking up at me and I told her I was sorry for getting ill.  She just got the biggest grin across her face and it melted my heart.  I love her so much, even when she keeps me up at night.

There are some things that we have learned about Sophie in this short little month of her life.  She likes to take a bath in her tub, suck her daddy's nose, look at herself in a mirror, and be cuddled.  She, however, does not like to be dirty, she has a very distinct mad cry which we usually only hear when she is very hungry or when she is so tired and just wants to be held.  She doesn't like to have lotion put on her, but she has no other choice, she lives in Wyoming!  She does however love her pacifier.  She is starting to have longer awake periods which is fun, I love looking into those big, beautiful blue eyes of hers.  She has lots of funny faces she makes too and we try to capture as many as we can on camera.  She likes her carseat, which I am thankful for because I know some kids can't stand them.

All in all, Sophie is amazing and I thank God for blessing Travis and I with such a wonderful, beautiful baby!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

3 weeks already?

I can't believe it, but yesterday Sophie turned 3 weeks old.  It doesn't seem like it has been that long already since she was born.  I had to take her in to the doctors today to get her weighed and she is now up to 7 lbs!  I think she is going to be a very tall skinny girl at the rate she is going now, but I guess we will just have to wait and see.  I love her so much and she amazes Travis and I with the things she is already doing.  She already looks at her self in this mirror toy she has and smiles and grabs at it, she is very strong and uses her legs to push herself up to the end of her bassinet and she sometimes rolls over to one side.  A lot of people don't believe us when we tell them what she can already do, but oh well.  My favorite is when I talk to her and say her name and she looks at me and makes noises and smiles.  She is so amazing and I love her so very much.

Travis and I are so blessed that God gave us Sophie, she is a wonderful baby!  

Monday, May 18, 2009

one week tomorrow...

I can't believe it but tomorrow our baby girl will be one week old.  It's so crazy.  Last week was a whirlwind.  We went to the doctor on Monday to have a check up and my blood pressure was very high, so the doctor sent us home to get our things together and had us go on to the hospital to be induced.  We got there sometime between 3 and 4 in the afternoon and I didn't realize what a long road was before us.  I started having contractions because of some medicine the gave me, they said that it may or may not give them to me, so I was excited they did, I thought that was a good sign, but they didn't make me progress any.  It was a long night of constantly being bothered to have my blood pressure and other things checked and by 5am on Tuesday they started the pitocin, the medicine to make me go into labor.  At 7:30am they took me back to a delivery room and at 9am gave me my epidural.  What a long day and nothing much really happened.  I had very bad back labor all day and my epidural didn't really work like it was supposed to.  By about 8pm they were getting me ready for a c-section, which I was very thankful for since I was so exhausted from everything.  They had to give me a spinal block since my epidural didn't work and at 8:43pm our baby girl was here!!!

The first time I saw her was so amazing and I will never forget it.  She was gorgeous!  After they got her a little cleaned up they brought her over for Travis and I to get a good look at her.  That is a moment I will always cherish.  She was very wide-eyed and I said to her "hey Sophie," and she looked right at me.  It was amazing!  After our little family time, Travis got to carry her to the nursery and I was taken to a recovery room for a little while.

We were in the hospital until Friday, for me to recover.  We came home that morning and it was so surreal to finally have the baby we had waited so long for in our home.

So now here we are, almost one week later and all I can say is that I am truly blessed and humbled that God would let us have this amazing, healthy, beautiful baby girl!  

Friday, May 8, 2009

back home

I got to come home today!!  So glad that I got to come home and do not have to be in that hospital again until next week.  Looks like Sophie will be here in the middle to the end of next week.   My mama is coming out on Wednesday to be here with us a couple of weeks, which is going to be such a nice help.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


We went to the doctor today to have my blood pressure checked and it was very high again.  So now I am in the hospital so they can run some test and keep checking my blood pressure.  I am only here until the morning unless my blood pressure just doesn't get any better, then they will most likely induce me.  My labs have already come back good and one test has to be done over 24 hours, but they said I only have to do it for 12 hours since my labs came back alright.  So only God knows when Sophie will come, but it may be tomorrow!  She is doing well and the doctor thinks she'll be alright if she has to be delivered.  So we'll keep you updated...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

37 weeks and counting....

I don't know if we can get any bigger!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

nothing new to report...

We had another doctor's appointment today.  My blood pressure is good, I have lost a little weight and the baby is doing well.  Nothing really new to report, which is good.  I have to go in on Thursday to have my blood pressure checked and we are going to talk with the doctors to see if they are still planning on inducing, I forgot to mention it today.  The doctor did say that we have made it to where he wanted us too in the pregnancy and if Sophie was born now, she'd be okay.  

So another week down on bed rest and only God knows how much longer until Sophie is here, hopefully soon because Travis and I are getting anxious to meet her!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

up in the air....

We had another doctors appointment today, my blood pressure is fine and the doctor took me off the medicine!  They are still planning on inducing me, just not sure when.  The baby is doing well, but we have to keep a close watch on her.  I have to go have my blood pressure checked tomorrow and go for a regular appointment on Monday morning where they will do another stress test on the baby.  They have also asked that I start counting kicks every morning to keep an extra eye on her.

I was dilated 1cm today, but things are still up in the air about being induced, like I said before.  I know I haven't been on bed rest long, but I have to keep praying for patience as my mind is racing on things that I feel I need to get done before she gets here and I have to leave them to someone else.

Travis has been amazing and has taken such good care of me, the animals and the house. People from church have also done so much and for that I am thankful.  

Not much longer and I know that in the end, it will all be so worth it!

Monday, April 27, 2009

1 Week and Counting....

Today marks one week since being on bed rest and it has already been a roller coaster ride of emotions.  I really feel for people who have to be on bed rest for a long period of time and I am thankful that mine will be over soon.  I think I have been having some false labor, but being my first time, I'm not 100% sure.  I am excited about my doctors appointment on Thursday, one because I get to leave the house and two because I want to see how much closer we may be to having our baby girl here.  Travis and I are both so ready for her to be here and just get on with things.  I know God's timing is perfect and I am trying to be patient, but it is hard, especially being cooped up and it's all you think about. 

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Doctor's Appointment

Just wanted to update everyone.  We had a doctors appointment today to see if things have gotten any better and praise the Lord they have, thanks to all the prayers!  My blood pressure has gone down by 20pts and I have actually lost 3 lbs, all that water weight I guess!  All my test came back fine and the ultra sound showed that Sophie was doing great and apparently will be a good sized baby.  The doctor wants to try to get me to 38 or 39 weeks, I'm 35 weeks now, almost 36, but he said we'll just have to see how things go from week to week.  The bed rest has done it's job and we'll just have to wait and see how far we can go before they induce me.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Psalm 31

My mom told me this morning that she read Psalm 31 so I decided to read it too.  Verses 6 and 7 really stood out to me.

I hate those who cling to worthless idols;                                                                                                                  I trust in the LORD.

I will be glad and rejoice in your love, 
       for you saw my affliction 
       and knew the anguish of my soul.

I know God is in control and I am so blessed!  Thanks for all the prayers and kind words.  We really appreciate them!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Bed Rest...

Just thought I'd update everyone as to what is going on with my pregnancy.
Last Thursday I had a regular check up and my blood pressure was high so the doctor wanted me to come back in on Monday to have it checked again.  We got there as soon as it opened and my blood pressure wasn't any better, it had actually gotten worse.  So the doctor walks in and says you are now on complete bed rest and Travis and I didn't think that it was that big of a deal, but then he started to explain that I had preeclampsia and how serious a condition it is.  The only cure for this condition is to have the baby, but she needs to stay in a little longer.  So we talked for a little bit and it seems that we may be having Sophie sooner than expected.  Hopefully we'll know more on Thursday.  

They did a test at the doctor's office to make sure she was okay and she is doing just fine, she just needs to develop a couple more weeks before she can be born, thus the bed rest.  This will hopefully help keep my blood pressure down so she can develop more.

After we left the doctor's office we had to go to the hospital for some testing to make sure some of my major organs are okay and not being affected by the high blood pressure.  Again, hopefully we'll know more Thursday.  After we got home I got in the bed and had Travis get my prescription filled for my high blood pressure.  He came home early to keep me company and said that he was going to start doing that, he's so sweet!   

So now I am on day 2 of best rest with my cat George by my side keeping me company and Travis going above and beyond already to take care of me.  I am so blessed and I am just trusting God, He knows what's best and I believe Sophie and I will be just fine.  

Thursday, April 9, 2009


A lady that I work with got a new puppy this past weekend.  His name is Mason and he is so cute,cuddly, and so sweet!  It made me want a puppy, but I had to remind myself that I will have a cute, cuddly baby in just weeks.  :)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Missions Trip

Travis called this morning and I was so thankful to hear his voice!  Anyways, he said that there are some great things happening in the teens lives and everyone has been just great!  Praise the Lord!  Please continue to pray for them as they grow in the Lord.

Monday, April 6, 2009


Travis may be putting video updates from their trip up on you tube if you would like to check it out:

Please continue to keep them in your prayers.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

My 33rd Week...

I will be 33 weeks pregnant this week and it's hard to believe Sophie will be here so soon.  It seems like it has taken forever, but now that it's so close, it seems like time has flown by!

Also this week, Travis is in Galveston, TX on a missions trip with some of the teens.  He called me today as church was getting out and said that the hurricane damage is still unbelievable.  He said that while driving today he literally saw an upside down house!  It is so good that they are down there helping with the relief and I wish that I could have gone.  If you would please remember them in your prayer times that would be awesome!  I look forward to there return on Friday to see how God has changed and impacted their lives.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Snow Day 3

The teens were out of school for the 3rd day today because of our blizzard, church was also canceled, so Travis decided to get them together to go sledding this afternoon and then come to our house for hot chocolate.  It was so much fun.  Here are just some of the pictures from the afternoon.

Monday, March 23, 2009


This past weekend was just beautiful here in Gillette, in the high 60s, low 70s and this morning we awoke to the power out and a blizzard!  We have such crazy weather here. We've been waiting for this big snow to hit and it finally did.  I just hope that this is it until the Fall, but we'll see.  These pictures were taken in the morning and it has continued to snow, even as I type, so it is a lot worse out there now.  It was nice to have a snow day and not work and who knows we might not have to go to work tomorrow.  We have to dig out of our drive way first since there is about a 4 foot snow drift in it!!  We'll see what tomorrow holds, you never know, especially in Wyoming!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sophie's Room!

Sophie will be here so soon, so her daddy and I have been getting her room ready.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

almost 29 weeks

Boy, I'm getting huge!  So ready to have my baby girl.

Friday, March 6, 2009

George's Haircut

This morning was jammed full of things to do and one of the things on my list was to take George to the groomers to have a haircut.  On the way there he was crying, I have never heard him like that before.  After I dropped him off, I felt kind of guilty, but he was fine.  After my doctor's appointment I went back to pick him up.  He looked so cute through the holes of his kennel and I couldn't wait to get him home to see what he really looked like.  When we got home, I let him out and I just laughed so hard, he is so skinny and you couldn't really tell it from all his fur.  I told Travis he looked like he was a kitten again.  I hope that the pictures of his haircut bring you a smile, it sure cracks me up to look at him.  Don't worry, if you think what I did was cruel, I believe he really likes it.  He has been running, pouncing, and playing around since he got home, I'm sure he feels a lot lighter!

George before he went to the groomers for his haircut.

George after his haircut!  He looked so funny when I let him out of his kennel.