Monday, October 27, 2008

Carving Pumpkins!

So last night Travis and I carved our first pumpkins together.  We didn't do it last year for some reason, but I decided that we needed to this year.  We had so much fun!  We will definitely not miss another year if we can help it.  I had forgotten how much fun scooping out the "guts" and creating your pumpkin's face can be!  When we were all done it was great to see them all lit up.  I cannot wait to light them on Halloween for all our trick or treaters to see.

Friday, October 10, 2008

A Beautiful Surprise

So this morning we woke up to beautiful snow!  I love it and I was so very excited for our first snowfall of the year.  I know some people might think I am crazy for that because we'll have a lot more to come, but there is just something so special about the first snow of the year.  It makes you feel like a little kid again when you wake up and see it on the ground, I would have felt even more like a kid if I didn't have to work today and got to stay at home and enjoy it!  Oh well.  I just thought I'd share our beautiful snow with you this morning.