Sunday was father's day as we all know, but to us it was extra special this year because it was Travis' first ever. Since it was Sunday, it was kind of busy, but we were up early, since we do have a newborn, so Sophie and I decided her daddy could open his presents first thing. Travis got new golf clubs, which we had decided could be his father's day present, but he had to have something to open! Sophie also got him a net to practice hitting for golf in the backyard, golf balls, golf tees and a picture of herself in some Carolina stuff to go in his office. He loved it all! Later that day we went to the pastor's house for a grill out and when we came back home we set up his golf net for him to practice his swing. All in all I think that Travis really enjoyed his first father's day. He is such a great daddy and Sophie is so blessed to have him for a dad!

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