Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Funny Little Talkative Girl

So Sophie has been saying a lot more lately and putting sentences together a lot more often.  Here are some of the little funny things she says/does:

Sophie will fall down and say, "I fall down."  And I'll say, "you feel down?"  She'll reply, "uh huh, I did."

She'll be looking for something like her baby and go around the house saying, "Baby, Baaaabyyyy."  It's so funny.  She also has done this while looking for a flashlight.

I have a done a little redecorating and rearranging around the house recently and she'll go into a room and say "Niiiice."

She also has an odd fascination with her toes and will look in between them and say "nice."

She has also tried to scare me a couple of times and I just laugh at her peeking around the corner and saying hi.  Sometimes when we arrive somewhere and I open her door, she'll say, "Boo!" and laugh.

She's so funny and I see so much of Travis' personality in her.

1 comment:

  1. So Cute!! :-) I LOVE what they learn and say. So precious! :-)
