I cannot believe that our little baby is 8 and a half months old. Where does all the time go? Lately she has been acting so much older. She likes to pull herself up on her toy box and dig around in there to find the best toy, she gets frustrated when she can't get to it. She "talks" a lot. She can say mama and she has learned real quick what the word "no" means! She isn't quite crawling yet, it's more like a backwards army crawl. When she is on all fours, she tries so hard that she ends up falling and eventually just rolls to where ever she wants. She is a very fast roller. She went to the dining room floor the other day and loved it! She liked to slide on it and the noise it made when she hit it.
She also likes to get on her stomach in the bathtub and slide around, I have to watch her very closely though because she'll put her face in the water before you know it! I'm just glad she isn't afraid of water. It will be fun to take her swimming this summer.
Sophie has learned to make a fish face, which cracks me up. She has some funny faces she likes to make and the more you laugh, the more she does it. She is so much fun and is just growing up so fast before my eyes!
Sophie also loves music and loves to "dance," especially with daddy. She just wants to stand and be moving all the time, she is hard to keep up with already, I can't imagine what it will be like when she really does crawl and walk!