Monday, December 13, 2010
19 months!
I cannot believe that Sophie turned 19 months old yesterday and in 5 short months we'll have a 2 year old on our hands! She is so fun and more of her funny personality shines through each day. She looks just like me, but is just like Travis, I love it! She really loves the snow, animals and babies! She had a check up last week and is now 34.25 inches tall and 29 lbs. She is full of energy and lights up the place with her smile. Her kisses are the best and we thank the Lord every day for the precious gift of our Sophie!
Travis Turns 30!!!
On Friday we celebrated Travis' 30th birthday! On the morning of his birthday he got to open his presents from us. He was super excited and surprised. After that we had chocolate chip cupcakes and then prepared for his party that evening.
That evening we celebrated with friends, we had lots of goodies and so much fun celebrating Travis' birthday. I was so thankful for everyone who came and made his day even more special!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Dress Up
It seems to be dressing up is one of Sophie's new favorite things to do. She likes to wear Travis' shoes and my jewelry. I was making cookie dough and icing earlier today and when I put my apron on Sophie wanted to wear one too. It's cute! She wanted to wear it again this evening and this time she accompanied it with Travis' hat. I think she is too cute!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Decorating for Christmas.
After our friends left on Saturday, I started getting the Christmas decorations out. Sophie loves the trees and says "whoa" or "wow" when she sees them. It's too cute. She has already tried to get into the presents too, but after I got on to her, she has been pretty good about leaving the presents and the trees alone.
I really wanted to put a tree in Sophie's room too, she really likes it!
On Thanksgiving, our friends Michael and Liz joined us. Sophie loves them so much and we all had a great time together. It was nice to just be at home, relax and catch up with our friends!
First Big Snow
On the 20th we had our first big snow of the season. Sophie is really starting to take notice of it and she really liked playing in it. She likes to eat it too! She really likes her snow boots.
Sophie's 1st Haircut!
We took Sophie in for her first haircut a week ago. She did really great until the last cut had to be made, so I had to do it at home. We made a family event out of it and all got haircuts. I was very proud of her!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Where Did October Go?
I have been so bad about keeping up with things lately! I can't believe it's already November 2nd. We have been quite busy with church activities and just everyday life! We have been able to squeeze in some special moments with Sophie. One of my favorite things we did during October was take Sophie out to ride horses. It was so much fun and she loved it! She also got to play with the dogs, which she of course loved, and play on a tractor.
We had a youth party on the 27th, so Sophie got to dress up for that, which was fun.
On Thursday before Halloween, we carved our pumpkins!
We took Sophie Trick-or-Treating on Saturday night. Travis had to leave for Portland on Halloween and I didn't want him to miss her going trick-or-treating and arranged to go to 6 different houses a day early. After the 1st house, we put her back in the car and she looked at the things she had gotten and said "WOW!" It was too cute! After we left the 2nd house Sophie had to almost drag her bucket. She got a lot of candy and other special treats.
On Sunday we were busy up until Travis had to fly to Portland, but we had to make time for at least one picture on Halloween :)
We have had a fun October, and November is going to be very busy also. Before we know it, it will be Christmas!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Fall Fun
It's hard to believe that it is already October 13th and we haven't had a snow. I think I like it, but it is kind of weird, I have to admit. We have been enjoying some fun fall activities though, even outdoors, because the weather has been so nice. To start we went to the Camels homecoming game, it was fun to go and socialize.
The day after the football game we took Sophie to the local pumpkin festival. She really enjoyed decorating her pumpkin and playing the games. She was so proud of her pumpkin!
Since it was so nice out, I decided to rake some leaves for the main purpose of letting Sophie play in them. She had a blast.
Last Thursday we went up to the Big Horn Mountains to stay in a cabin with some friends from Montana. It was fun to get away and catch up with Mike and Liz. We tried to go on a hike, but Sophie did not like being on Travis' back, so the hike was cut short. It was okay though because it was pretty cold in the mountains.
So far it has been a great Fall,but I have a feeling it won't last much longer.
Friday, October 1, 2010
I'm really looking forward to this weekend and upcoming week. We are going to the pumpkin festival in town tomorrow and next week we are heading to the Big Horns to stay at a cabin with some friends. We went up yesterday to check out the cabin and it was just so beautiful up there. I hope the leaves are as pretty next week. Pictures coming soon :)
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Life Without Daddy...
Travis is gone down to Texas this weekend, but will thankfully be back tomorrow. This starts a long year of him being gone for various reasons. It's always hard when he's not here and I guess I never really appreciate all he does around here until he is away. I'm so thankful I have a husband who is willing to help me out in whatever I ask. This has been the first time he has been away that Sophie has really taken notice too. She loves to have her daddy to snuggle with in the mornings and play with when he comes home from work, I think she gets bored with me when he's not here! She looked for him underneath our covers the other morning, it was too sweet. She is definitely a daddy's girl!
To help time pass while Travis is away we sometimes just have to get out of the house so we go on walks around the neighborhood. Yesterday, while on our walk, we saw pretty flowers, birds, trees and two antelope lying in a field. Something I did not anticipate seeing was a giant RAT swimming in drainage trench that runs through the park in our neighborhood! It was so disgusting and kind of freaked me out. I mean he was right there at us. I saw him as we were about to cross a small bridge, he went under and we quickly crossed to get away from him. Needless to say, we won't be going through that park for a while!
Another thing I am trying while Travis is away is getting Sophie off her pacifier. We'll see how this goes, I think I need to be the strong one here!
To help time pass while Travis is away we sometimes just have to get out of the house so we go on walks around the neighborhood. Yesterday, while on our walk, we saw pretty flowers, birds, trees and two antelope lying in a field. Something I did not anticipate seeing was a giant RAT swimming in drainage trench that runs through the park in our neighborhood! It was so disgusting and kind of freaked me out. I mean he was right there at us. I saw him as we were about to cross a small bridge, he went under and we quickly crossed to get away from him. Needless to say, we won't be going through that park for a while!
Another thing I am trying while Travis is away is getting Sophie off her pacifier. We'll see how this goes, I think I need to be the strong one here!
Monday, August 30, 2010
15 month check-up
We had a very busy day today. It started out with Sophie's 15 month check-up. She is still around 25 lbs and is 34 inches tall!!! That's almost 3 feet. I think she will be around 6 feet tall when she is older, we'll see! She is very smart and the doctor was very impressed with her, which is always good to hear. She had to get two more vaccinations today and was such a trooper when it came to getting the shots. She even got to pick out a sucker in the end!
This was Sophie dressed up for church yesterday. She liked wearing her bracelet and her silver shoes! She's a very girlie girl, which I think is just great :)
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
We certainly had a busy summer and I cannot believe that it is rapidly approaching its end! We have been super busy and I thought pictures would best explain our summer :)
Mimi came out for a visit the week after Sophie's birthday. Sophie really loved having her around and all to herself!
We went to a pool party for Pastor Dan's grandson, Cameron.
Sophie has learned how to play dress up.
Sophie and I went to NC while Travis was on a missions trip. No one knew we were coming except for my older sister Vanessa and her family. It was such a great surprise and we got to be there for my nephew Duke's 1st birthday!
Sophie really loved Shelby's cows!
Before we had to leave for Wyoming, we had a big cook out!
We took Sophie to the Big Horn mountains for her first real mountain adventure. She loved the water!
We've been trying to take advantage of all the warm weather by going on long walks and taking Sophie to the parks. She loves to slide!
Sophie road a horse for the first time when we were at camp. She also turned 14 months old!
She also really enjoyed playing with our friends Mike and Liz dog.
Just playing at home in between trips!
We decided to drive to NC this Summer instead of fly. It was quite a long drive, but we got through it and Sophie was great. We got her a DVD player to help pass the long hours. I think we watched Curious George the most, I was just glad it kept her happy!
We stopped in VA on the way to NC to see Travis' grandma.
His mom was also there!
On this trip to NC we took Sophie to the beach for the very first time. She absolutely loved to water and we had to keep a close eye on her as she would often run straight for the ocean. I'm so glad she wasn't afraid!
She liked to be out far in the water.
We had one rainy day. She and Duke decided diaper boxes were the best entertainment!
Us on the beach!
Out on the pier, there are always pelicans. Sophie liked them!
On our way back to Wyoming, we stopped at Wall Drug and took Sophie to play in their backyard, she really seemed to enjoy that!
Sophie went to the fair for the first time. It was also the our first time to the fair in Wyoming. Of course Sophie loved the animals. Here she is petting a baby goat.
We rearranged when we got back from NC to make Sophie a playroom downstairs and reclaim our living room! Travis had to give up half of his "man-room," but the new set-up seems to be working great for everyone. Downstairs is now truly a family room.
Sophie at 15 months!
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