Monday, May 18, 2009

one week tomorrow...

I can't believe it but tomorrow our baby girl will be one week old.  It's so crazy.  Last week was a whirlwind.  We went to the doctor on Monday to have a check up and my blood pressure was very high, so the doctor sent us home to get our things together and had us go on to the hospital to be induced.  We got there sometime between 3 and 4 in the afternoon and I didn't realize what a long road was before us.  I started having contractions because of some medicine the gave me, they said that it may or may not give them to me, so I was excited they did, I thought that was a good sign, but they didn't make me progress any.  It was a long night of constantly being bothered to have my blood pressure and other things checked and by 5am on Tuesday they started the pitocin, the medicine to make me go into labor.  At 7:30am they took me back to a delivery room and at 9am gave me my epidural.  What a long day and nothing much really happened.  I had very bad back labor all day and my epidural didn't really work like it was supposed to.  By about 8pm they were getting me ready for a c-section, which I was very thankful for since I was so exhausted from everything.  They had to give me a spinal block since my epidural didn't work and at 8:43pm our baby girl was here!!!

The first time I saw her was so amazing and I will never forget it.  She was gorgeous!  After they got her a little cleaned up they brought her over for Travis and I to get a good look at her.  That is a moment I will always cherish.  She was very wide-eyed and I said to her "hey Sophie," and she looked right at me.  It was amazing!  After our little family time, Travis got to carry her to the nursery and I was taken to a recovery room for a little while.

We were in the hospital until Friday, for me to recover.  We came home that morning and it was so surreal to finally have the baby we had waited so long for in our home.

So now here we are, almost one week later and all I can say is that I am truly blessed and humbled that God would let us have this amazing, healthy, beautiful baby girl!  

Friday, May 8, 2009

back home

I got to come home today!!  So glad that I got to come home and do not have to be in that hospital again until next week.  Looks like Sophie will be here in the middle to the end of next week.   My mama is coming out on Wednesday to be here with us a couple of weeks, which is going to be such a nice help.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


We went to the doctor today to have my blood pressure checked and it was very high again.  So now I am in the hospital so they can run some test and keep checking my blood pressure.  I am only here until the morning unless my blood pressure just doesn't get any better, then they will most likely induce me.  My labs have already come back good and one test has to be done over 24 hours, but they said I only have to do it for 12 hours since my labs came back alright.  So only God knows when Sophie will come, but it may be tomorrow!  She is doing well and the doctor thinks she'll be alright if she has to be delivered.  So we'll keep you updated...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

37 weeks and counting....

I don't know if we can get any bigger!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

nothing new to report...

We had another doctor's appointment today.  My blood pressure is good, I have lost a little weight and the baby is doing well.  Nothing really new to report, which is good.  I have to go in on Thursday to have my blood pressure checked and we are going to talk with the doctors to see if they are still planning on inducing, I forgot to mention it today.  The doctor did say that we have made it to where he wanted us too in the pregnancy and if Sophie was born now, she'd be okay.  

So another week down on bed rest and only God knows how much longer until Sophie is here, hopefully soon because Travis and I are getting anxious to meet her!